Possibilities: Re-framing Life in Your Later Years with the B.A.S.E.®
This book explores creative ways to reframe life in the retirement years by using change management principles and learning to apply the Four Key Elements of the B.A.S.E. Model for Change® – Belief, Awareness, Support, and Execution. It offers a detailed explanation of this powerful proprietary model and suggests a series of reflection questions and tools to explore possibilities as life changes in later years. This work can be helpful to people considering retirement, recently retired, or those who have suffered losses.
Dr. Pyle discusses the important phase between the current known reality, that has changed, and the not-yet-defined new reality. She calls this the “in-between stage” and suggests creative ways to build a bridge between a previous life, now no longer present, and a new and exciting reality: the new world, full of possibilities and promises.
In this book, readers will discover:
- How to develop a deeper understanding of the personal change process and apply these to your new reality in retirement.
- How to best navigate life’s transitions by using the powerful principles of Belief, Awareness, Support, and Execution – the pillars of the B.A.S.E. Model for Change™.
- How to create an exciting new path for your success at this new stage of your life.
- Resources to help you create the future you deserve!

By reading Your Journey of Transformation: A Workbook for a New You, readers will discover that change, even a difficult one, can offer a world of opportunities for growth and development. This workbook has been created to help you navigate your personal change with confidence. Enjoy the ride!
Your Journey of Transformation:
A Workbook for a New You
“Although change is not easy reaching your dreams is worth the effort.” ~ Tiza Pyle, PhD
Your Journey of Transformation: A Workbook for a New You is a “how to” practical approach to support personal change. Dr. Tiza Pyle has created a model to deal with life changes, big and small, and she invites the readers to develop their own plan to reach their aspirations. This powerful model can be used in a variety of challenging changes. Some examples include:
- Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight
- Finding a job that best uses your talents
- Adapting to retirement
- Downsizing and moving into a different home.
The benefits of using the model include:
- understanding how change impacts people
- developing a clear picture of the desired future
- exploring possible resistance to change
- developing self-awareness to support growth
- creating a customized plan that leads to success
Embracing Life’s Challenges: A Story of Change
You can create your desired life even in times of difficulty.
Life has unexpected surprises! Having support to navigate difficult times can make a big difference for you. Embracing Life’ Challenges: A story of Change walks you through a very personal experience when life took an unexpected turn, creating the need for major adjustments. You will learn how the B.A.S.E. Model for Change is a process that can be used in to facilitate change.
The author and her husband faced major challenges in 2019 and used this simple, but powerful, model to help minimize the negative impact of change and create a new reality that better met their needs.
Change can be difficult, but it can be done, successfully! Having a process and a plan to navigate these times makes the journey much easier and even enjoyable. Dr. Tiza Pyle shares her story.

By reading Your Journey of Transformation: A Workbook for a New You, readers will discover that change, even a difficult one, can offer a world of opportunities for growth and development. This workbook has been created to help you navigate your personal change with confidence. Enjoy the ride!
Fat Hurts: Your Guide to Personal Transformation after Weight Loss Surgery
You can Transform Your Life, Weight Loss Surgery is Only the Beginning.
Being obese hurts! Physically, emotionally, socially! FAT HURTS: Your Guide to Personal Transformation After Weight Loss Surgery takes a closer look at how you can make the most of your life — after significant change and transformation through bariatric surgery — from the perspective of somebody who has been there! In this revised and expanded Second Edition, using her extensive experience in change and personal transformation processes, Dr. Pyle offers suggestions on how you can shape your own personal transformation journey. By sharing how she has, successfully, made changes in her own life to reach and maintain a healthy weight, Dr. Pyle opens possibilities for others to follow a similar path. There are no easy answers, or a “magic bullet”, but learning how to create and execute a carefully thought- out plan can bring you the desired results and long-lasting changes to reach a healthier lifestyle.
In this book, you will discover:
- How to develop a deeper understanding of the personal change process and apply these principles in your life
- How to create a road map for your personal transformation and achieve your goals
- Why WLS (weight loss surgery) is not the easy way out, but is a powerful tool that can improve your health and change your life
- How to best prepare for your success after the surgery, if you decide this is the best path for achieving a healthy weight
- Resources to help you create the future you want